Saturday, May 14, 2011

Good day on a bad day.

 Well, it was bright blue sky, very windy and about 20 degrees cooler than the day before. A cold front had gone through the night before and I left the boat launch at about 1:20 PM. These are not ideal conditions by anyones standards. But, as you can see I did quite well. I saw people catching fish on white frogs over grass. I couldn't get a strike on my pop r so I changed locations and baits. I started throwing my gold and black rogue and started catching fish. I also caught fish on my ribbit around lilly pads. The rogue was producing near hydrila in about 5 ft. of water. The lake is probably 9 ft. low and very clear.
I ended up catching 15 fish in about 4 hours on what I would call a bad looking day.