Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dog days of summer.

It has been 95 or above everyday for a couple of weeks now. Also 75% or more humidity. Until the water temp. comes down to under 90. we will have to fish early, late or deeper. Went Friday for about 2 hours before dark. We didn't do very well, but I did manage a 5 pounder on a small spinner. Nothing on top water or bass assassins.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tournament fishing

There won't be any pics today but I can tell you that a friend from Houston and I entered the weekly Thursday night bass tournament at Monterrey Park launch. We placed in the money. The tournament starts at 5:00 PM and ends at dark. You can only weigh in 3 fish between the 2 of you and we caught 9.44 lbs. and placed 4th.
$60.00 each isn't bad for an afternoon of fishing. The winning stringer was 11.02 lbs.
I will be entering this tournament more often now.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bad weather

Well just about the time I released this fish the bottom fell out of the clouds. I caught this 4 pounder on a frog over grass on my new 7' Falcon rod which I got for my birthday. I caught one other that was about 2 1/2 lbs. Had a good time and released all the fish unharmed.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hot water, bad weather, top water.

When it rains it pours and the fish bite top water baits, as evidenced by these pics. The first fish was caught in an unusual manner. It rained for about a solid hour, and hard too. When it finally stopped the big ones came out to play.